Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Mischief and Mistletoe by Mary Jo Putney, Joanna Bourne, Patricia Rice, Jo Beverley, Nicola Cornick

Mischief and Mistletoe by Mary Jo Putney, Joanna Bourne, Patricia Rice, Jo Beverley, Nicola Cornick

Mischief and Mistletoe

Mischief and Mistletoe by Mary Jo Putney, Joanna Bourne, Patricia Rice, Jo Beverley, Nicola Cornick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Confections that charm and delight, like the holidays themselves. --RT Book Reviews

Unwrap the most romantic of Regency delights in this sparkling holiday collection. . .

Christmastime in England--a time for passionate secrets, delicious whispers, and wicked-sweet gifts by the fire. From a spirited lady who sets out to save her rakish best friend from an unsuitable engagement, to a bold spy who gets the unexpected chance to win the woman he's always loved, to a vicar's daughter who pretends to be a saucy wench, these holiday tales will make you curl up in front of the fire for a memorable season of mischief and mistletoe. . .

"No one writes historical romance better." --Cathy Maxwell on Mary Jo Putney

"Breaks just about every rule in the book and makes us beg for more." --RT Book Reviews on Jo Beverley

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