Senin, 09 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Techsmith Camtasia 9: The Essentials by Kevin Siegel

Techsmith Camtasia 9: The Essentials by Kevin Siegel

Techsmith Camtasia 9: The Essentials

Techsmith Camtasia 9: The Essentials by Kevin Siegel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Using TechSmith Camtasia, you can quickly create software demonstrations, software simulations, and soft skills eLearning... content for just about any subject.

You can render your finished project so it can be accessed by learners using desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and other mobile devices. Your content can be hosted on a web server, Learning Management System, YouTube, Vimeo,, and more.

During the step-by-step lessons presented in this book, you will learn how you can include recordings of existing PowerPoint presentations or software demonstrations created directly on your computer using Camtasia Recorder. You will use the powerful Camtasia Editor to add animations, voiceover audio, graphics, music, annotations, closed captions, quizzes, and even surveys to a project.

This book will introduce you to the essential Camtasia 9 skills you need to get up and running with this awesome eLearning development tool as quickly as possible.

This book features:

  • All of the Camtasia projects, images, audio files, and other assets to get started (Just download the Camtasia free 30-day trial software from the TechSmith website and jump in!)
  • Dozens of step-by-step, hands-on activities
  • Confidence Checks to challenge your new skills
  • Hundreds of supporting screen shots

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