New Evolutionary Social Science: Human Nature, Social Behavior, and Social Change by Heinz-Jurgen Niedenzu, Tamas Meleghy, Peter Meyer
New Evolutionary Social Science: Human Nature, Social Behavior, and Social Change by Heinz-Jurgen Niedenzu, Tamas Meleghy, Peter Meyer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Social scientists have long declared their autonomy from the natural sciences, and in doing so have tended to neglect important biological constraints on human nature. Many sociological theories have suggested a nearly complete malleability of patterns of social life. The New Evolutionary Social Science challenges this view by building on Stephen K. Sanderson's 'Darwinian conflict theory' which sets out to synthesise sociological theories with key findings from biology into an overarching scientific paradigm. Configuring and expanding this groundbreaking theory, the contributors to this volume are well-known European and American experts in evolutionary science. The New Evolutionary Social Science develops a new basis for understanding social change and the world's future through a better integration of the natural and social sciences.From reader reviews:
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