Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiors 1905-1965 by Arthur Rüegg

Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiors 1905-1965 by Arthur Rüegg

Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiors 1905-1965

Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiors 1905-1965 by Arthur Rüegg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Presenting illustrations gathered together for the first time, Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiors is a comprehensive account of Le Corbusier’s extensive work in furniture and interior design. As a young architect, Swiss-born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret primarily worked in designed furnishings. After he moved to Paris in the early 1920s and adopted his now famous moniker, Le Corbusier developed a particular interest in équipement, a term he coined for the essential furnishings of a residence. He focused specifically on tables, cabinets, and eventually the chrome and leather chairs—designed in collaboration with Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand—for which he became famous. These pieces exhibit Le Corbusier’s trademark metal detailing and elegant austerity. After World War II, Le Corbusier shifted to more functional designs for use in everyday life. These wooden pieces resemble packing crates, evoking a rustic design aesthetic rooted in functionality.
            Le Corbusier. Furniture and Interiorsis the authoritative book on Le Corbusier’s work as an interior designer. A stunning catalog in scale and scope, it follows the evolution of his style chronologically, making it an easy-to-use resource for both scholars and general readers. Entire apartments by Le Corbusier are described in careful detail with complementary images. Drawing upon previously unpublished material and new research, this equally well-designed book contains hundreds of illustrations, making it an invaluable resource for art historians, dealers, and collectors.

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