The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, Second Edition: Three-Volume Set (Industrial Combustion)
The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, Second Edition: Three-Volume Set (Industrial Combustion) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Despite the length of time it has been around, its importance, and vast amounts of research, combustion is still far from being completely understood. Issues regarding the environment, cost, and fuel consumption add further complexity, particularly in the process and power generation industries. Dedicated to advancing the art and science of industrial combustion, The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, Second Edition covers the fundamental concepts and theory, design and operations, and important industry applications. Now in three volumes, this second edition of the bestselling handbook has been completely updated and expanded to provide an up-to-date look at industrial combustion.
Under the leadership of Charles E. Baukal, Jr., top engineers and technologists from John Zink Hamworthy Combustion offer insights on a wide range of topics. Volume 1 introduces the interdisciplinary fundamentals, including chemistry, fluid flow, and heat transfer. A field manual for operators, engineers, and managers, Volume 2 looks at equipment design and operations, from testing to installation and maintenance to troubleshooting. Building on the first two volumes, Volume 3 examines industry applications such as process burners, boiler burners, process flares, thermal oxidizers, and vapor control.
What’s New in This Edition - Highlights
- Extensive updates and revisions throughout, reflecting new standards, energy sources, processes, and conservation concerns
- Updated information on HPI/CPI industries, including alternative fuels, advanced refining techniques, emissions standards, and new technologies
- New practices in coal combustion, such as gasification
- The latest developments in cold-flow modeling, CFD-based modeling, and mathematical modeling
- Greater coverage of pollution emissions and NOx reduction techniques
- New material on combustion diagnostics, testing, and training
- Expanded coverage of flares, thermal oxidizers, and commercial and utility boiler burners
- More property data useful for the design and operation of combustion equipment
- Coverage of metallurgy, refractories, blowers, and vapor control equipment
This second edition continues to provide the comprehensive coverage, up-to-date information, and visual presentation that made the first edition an industry standard. Featuring color illustrations and photographs throughout, this definitive guide helps you broaden your understanding of industrial combustion to better meet the challenges of this dynamic field.
For more information about the individual volumes in the The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, Second Edition, see:
- Volume 1: Fundamentals
- Volume 2: Design and Operations
- Volume 3: Applications
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